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The Augmented Prints
Social Media Platform
for Everyone

Starting at 29€ for A4 prints *

Click on the button below to find out how it works and try for yourself:

Free samples

The Augmented Prints
Social Media Platform
for Everyone


A wedding, a birthday, a memorable time with friends outdoors - bring your favorite memories back to life with Augmented Prints.

The Augmented Prints
Social Media Platform
for Everyone

A wedding, a birthday, a memorable time with friends outdoors - bring your favorite memories back to life with Augmented Prints.

Create engaging campaigns and deploy them on flyers or billboards that connect your audience to your website. Augmented Reality improves your prints, creates interest and ultimately generates revenue.


Create engaging campaigns and deploy them on flyers or billboards that connect your audience to your website. Augmented Reality improves your prints, creates interest and ultimately generates revenue.

Augmented Reality brings your prints to life and
GoodTimes AR is where you share them

Augment Your Favorite Memories

GoodTimes AR is the first social media platform that offers affordable Augmented Prints services for everyone.

Enjoy and share your favorite memories like never before with Augmented Prints.

Augmented Prints Social Media

Whether you have a personal or professional account, GoodTimes AR lets you create and share your Augmented Prints through your social profile.

Indeed, your account acts like any other social media account allowing you to engage with your friends, who can follow you, "Love/Favorite" your content, but we do not display a counter to the public.

Similarly, users can Direct Message you but there is no open comment section.

Augmented Prints for Professionals

With your GoodTimes AR professional account you get the ability to sell your AR Prints directly to your customers.

Simply upload your content and we take care of the rest. Our team handles processing, printing, logistics, and shipping, as well as after sales, so you can focus on what you do best without having to worry about any logistics.

Alternatively, you can decide to print yourself and sell thanks to our suite of tools made available through your account.

You print as many copies as you like along with their activation QR codes so you can hand them over personally or put them on sale on your website or any other platform.

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Promote, Communicate and Sell

Augment your prints with the advanced technologies built into our tools and bring your promotional campaigns to life, from flyers to brochures, classic posters and even large format billboards.

Augmented prints allow you to unleash your creativity and generate an unprecedented level of reach and engagement through the interactivity offered to your audience.

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Enhance Your Event with Augmented Prints

Planning an event, maybe a wedding?

Augmented Prints are the ideal way to engage your guests with pre-event invitations, venue posters or post event best memories.

Don't miss out!

Augment your event
* Augmented Prints require processing that is charged 20€ per content item (image and video).
When applied to A4 prints, the first A4 print is 49€, and every subsequent A4 print of the same content is 29€.